Patrick Kangwa Statehouse Swearing In Ceremony

Zambian Civil Service’s Lavish Expenditure Curbed

Lusaka, June 7, 2024 – SECRETARY to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service in Zambia Patrick Kangwa has

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Zamseed hybrids Perform Well Despite El Nino Effects

The Zambia Seed Company (ZAMSEED) demonstrated during their recently held 2-day Farm Field Day at their research farm that all

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The Lozi Royal Shrine Keepers

By Mukeya Liwena, Barotse Royal Report IN my more than 20 years practical experience as a Royal Reporter covering activities

Oldest Riders

Cycling Against Cholera Held

By Kalata News, Lusaka 11/03/24 – Several community cycling clubs were on March 10 competing in Lusaka in a Cycling

OSBP Two Signs

Ziko Kawena Mali Ka Tina (Land is Yours, Money Ours)

By Nsama Chikwanka, LUSAKA, 5/02/24 – The Land Is Ours But. A few minutes after securing myself in the

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Local Councils’ ineffectiveness Costing Zambia Billions in Damage, Health Bills and Deaths

By Kalata News LUSAKA 21/01/24 – THE INEFFECTIVENESS of Zambia’s local council system is costing Zambians billions of kwacha in

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Germany Changing its Future Approach to Aid

By Kalata News, Lusaka – GERMANY is changing its future approach towards engaging and helping countries like Zambia. The Deutsche

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Zambian Companies Invited to Bid for 16 Million Euro Funds for Clean Cooking

By Kalata News, Lusaka -Zambian companies with innovations in clean cooking technology or innovations have been invited to bid for a

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Zambian Roads Not Ready for Speed Cameras, Group Tells RTSA

By Kalata News, Lusaka – THE Zambian Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) is calling on Government to halt the

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More Youths flock to USAID supported Health Facilities

By Kalata News, LUSAKA-MORE youths are seeking HIV Health services in USAID-supported private hospitals and clinics on the Copperbelt. These adolescents